We are proud to announce the official endorsement from the Hammond Firefighters Political Action Committee.
Marissa Visits Casimir Pulaski Day Ceremony
As a Polish-born American, I was deeply honored to be asked to read the official proclamation at today’s Casimir Pulaski Day ceremony, and happy to share in the celebration of this Polish-American hero of the Revolutionary War.
A Supporter Surprised Me with Homemade Buttons!
Last Sunday, I sat next to an 88-year-old WWII/Korea vet at a Polish luncheon. We talked for an hour and he shared many stories. Today, he surprised me at my office with a gift of two handmade buttons to add to my button collection. These are the moments that make it all worthwhile!
Bumper Stickers are Ready…To…Go!
If you signed up for a bumper sticker at mcdermottforjudge.com, they’re going in the mail tonight!
John Buncich can’t be serious.
A quote from John Buncich, Lake County Democratic Chairman, in today’s NWI Times. Maybe someone should remind him that it is 2016 and women are capable of making their own decisions about their own careers. Very disappointed in our party leadership.